Green Line service to Jamaica Plain

ARRPAC: Arborway Rail Restoration Project Advisory Committee
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Sean Sullivan

Photo of Sean I am 31, live in Brookline within the MBTA-defined Arborway Corridor (near the Perkins/Bynner stops), and was nominated for ARRPAC by State Representative Frank Smizik (D-Brookline). I am a self-employed software consultant (Bluebrook Consulting), and my professional work involves algorithm development and patent documentation. I graduated from Amherst College (1997) with majors in computer science and astronomy. I do not have a car, and use the MBTA exclusively for local transportation. I have lived in the Boston region since college graduation, and consider this my permanent home.

I personally favor mass transit, because I believe that it is an efficient approach to transportation, and I appreciate the aesthetics of a well-designed system. (By 'aesthetics', I mean obvious issues such as the appearance of stations, but also operational issues such as station locations, routing, and the financial basis for service allocations). However, my interest in transit does not translate into unconditional support for transit over other concerns. A successful transit design necessarily integrates into the surrounding community in an elegant fashion, and must live within the limits of available resources. The complexity of interests surrounding the Arborway issue is quite fascinating, and I will attempt to value and represent all interests when considering design options.

I welcome any coments or suggestions regarding the Arborway project. To reach me personally, please write to You may also write to all members of ARRPAC at

Update for December 1, 2009 -- the domain has expired, so the contact information above is no longer valid. To reach me, please see my home page.

This page designed and maintained by Sean Sullivan